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Built Environment and Environmental Impact

-Review of Environmental Impacts that are directly or indirectly associated with Built Environment using e Living (interactive) Poster

This is a group assignment requires research about issue that are relate to built environment and the impacts. In a group of 4 members, we came out with a poster with title- Strategies and Management of Construction & Demolition waste. It works to introduce the issue of C&D waste and how we manage to solve the problem nowadays, and leads to the Sustainable Development Goals 11 & 12.



We learnt about the situation of the built environmental impact due to the material waste during construction and demolition. Concept of sustainable development in the field is really important for us to prevent and decrease the impact to built environment. Concern need to be raised to public stage and require effort from all sites.

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Exploring local architecture or built environment (BE) responses to specific SDG goals and targets

This is an individual assignment and we started from select a local building and study about the chosen Sustainable Development Goal with its targets. The building of the case study is University College of Technology Sarawak, located at Sibu, Sarawak. It was the first University green building with GBI Platinum rating in Malaysia. The sustainability of the building had shown in SDG 9 ,which is related to Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, there were also a lot of strategies and design were carried out based on the targets of SDG 9.

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The building had a rich content and consideration on sustainable development which I think sustainability is not too far from our daily life. The target had clearly explain itself by the indicators in related to the local context, SDG is a big concept and it needs definitions and clarifications so it can help with the development as well as the integration with building design. It fosters my thinking process while designing, consider for long term development and what can we design for the people to live and stay in comfort in the big environment.

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 By Chang Tun Sien (2020 August Intake). 

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